Product Idea |

Equal and Inequal Sign Balance


This is an invention that helps you learn algebra.

[1st Image] and [2nd Image] show when no bricks on the balance. 
Red sign shows "0 = 0" and if you flip the scale backwards, Green sign shows "0 = 0".

If there are no bricks on the left arm, and a blue brick on the right arm, the Red sign will show "0 < 1" (3rd image).
If there are a tan brick on the left arm, and 3 blue bricks on the right arm, the Red sign will show "1 < 3" (4th image).
If there are a tan brick and a brown brick on the left arm, and 3 blue bricks on the right arm, the Red sign will show "1+1 < 3" (5th image).
and If you flip the scale, the Green sign will show "3 < 1+1"(6th image).

If the left arm covered with paper and there is 3 blue bricks on the right arm, so the Red sign shows " X < 3", how many bricks can be behind the paper?
X can be 0, 1, 2. (7th image)

If there are a tan brick and 2 brown bricks on the left arm, and 3 blue bricks on the right arm, the Red sign will show "1+2 = 3" (8th image).

[8th Image] describes "1+2 = 3" and [9th image] describes "×2" of "(1+2) = 3"
Other explanations are possible. 
[9th image] describes "2+4 = 6" and [8th Image] describes "÷2" of "2+4 = 6"
[9th image] describes "6 = 6" and [8th Image] describes "-3 of" of "6 = 6"

"Equal and Inequal sign balance" helps to know the value of the unknown, and show Basic concepts of math and equations.

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