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Chessboards for Three(3) "Players" (With "Evolvable" Chesspieces)

This is a Chessboard with [squares] for three(3) players
with three(3) Chessboards for each two(2) players.

and so you have four(4) "ratings" for the three(3) players "A" & "B" & "C" :
  1. for A-B-C
  2. for A-B
  3. for B-C
  4. for A-C

Because else you could say that the two(2) players are playing against the one(1) player

This is a additonally Chessboard with <hexagons> for three(3) players

And these are the pawns (from Left >> to Right) :
Rook - Knight(Cat) - Bishop - Queen - King - Bishop - Knight(Cat) - Rook
and eight[8] "soldiers"

The Bishops have a colored cap with the color of the [square] where they are playing
The Knights have a cap of a "Cat"

  1. First you can play the pawns as "normal" chesspieces
  2. Second you can play the pawns as "evolvable" chesspieces

As "evolvable" chesspieces you can put your own chesspieces
{the "one" on top of the "other"}

As "example" you can put the "Rook" on top of the "Bishop"
and play them together as a "Queen"

As "example"
you can put two(2) "soldiers" together and can then move two(2) [squares]
you can put three(3) "soldiers" together and can then move three(3) [squares]
you can put four(4) "soldiers" together and can then move four(4) [squares]

As "example" you can put in "ONE piece" together :
one Rook & one Bishop & one Knight & soldies

You can "add" them "together" and you can "separate" them again
( by playing "one" of them )

You can put the Chessboards on a Table
or you can hang them on the Wall

I hope You have fun by playing Chess with your friends

Thank You !

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