Product Idea |

Scenic View Nature Trail and Fishing Pond


This is my idea for Lego. This set is called Scenic View Nature Trail and Fishing Pond. It comes with a trail path, a donation box, money, pond, fish, frogs, seat, trail maps and map information sign with a trail map, a newspaper with the days weather, game wa rdens building and game wardens, employees building, compost area with two wheel barrows and wheels, trash boxes, a place for trash, gate with blockade, two supervisors, tool shed, shovels, brooms, 2 scanners over the game warden building and security cameras, security cameras over the employees building. I made this set because Lego made a playground area but no Nature trails or any kind of outside activity. It is always great to get fresh air and exercise, and who knows you might even see wildlife. This set was easy to make, it would not be expensive. /Down below the big picture there are three other pictures of two sides and a back view of this set. So go out enjoy nature and get exercise. Feel free to vote and share with your friends and tell them that you voted for  scenic view nature trail and fishing pond.

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