Product Idea |

Medieval Tower

This is a Medieval Tower. it was built with 1408 pieces and was built using studio 2.0, in the front is 2 flags and one symbol in the middle, and has 2 torches next to the gate and on the roof is 5 flags in total counting all of the flags on each of the roofs, In the interior is a table with chicken, potion, a pan and glass of water. Above that is a hanger with a bows and arrows. Next to that is a yellow roof and underneath the roof is a bucket and another bucket of water. Now onto the tower. On the ground floor Is 3 barrels and opposite that is a chest with shields and next to the barrels are 2 armor stands. On the first floor, is a door and a balcony and in the room is a table with an envelope, candle and a cup of water. On the 2nd floor is a table with a quill and a canvas and in front the table is a stool. And on the 3rd floor is just a bench. And on the roof (finally) it has a barrel and 2 flags.

I built it because I saw so many popular medieval projects and thought to myself "I must make these things!" so I did and here you go support please.

I think it would make a great lego set because I saw the new medieval blacksmith and saw it was popular and thought to make something like that here. That's all! -d4rkb33m0

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