Product Idea |

Chicken Walker “Bigfoot”

I started this walker by building the gun on the bottom of the cockpit section. I liked the way it cane out and I thought to myself: what could I do with this? I thought about some other things I’d seen and liked, and I remembered a chicken walker someone made in a My Beautiful LEGO book. I liked the cockpit shape and the idea so I made my own. I added the machine guns on the legs from a project I ditched earlier. As I worked my way down I decided to move the gun above one of the machine guns, then put it back in favor of the original idea. I had some trouble with the legs but I worked them out eventually. I slowly added more details to the framework of the legs as I worked down. The last thing I made was the feet, which were originally feet on a rejected project that I took apart and remade. I thought the feet were too big at first but my dad told me to keep them. And that left us with this lovely chicken walker you see now.

This walker has an opening cockpit which seats one pilot. It has two legs that bend at the hips, knees, and ankles . On each hip there is a rotating stud shooting machine gun loaded with six ice blue studs. Under the cockpit there is a rotating turret gun which can be turned from side to side and up and down.

Thank you for your support, please support this project, comment if you want, and support my other ideas if they appeal to you.

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