Product Idea |

Anatomical Head Model

"The Human Body is a temple and as such must always be admired, cared for and respected."
My LEGO idea was born when I had to help my children in the study of the human body. What more suitable way for a child than an anatomical model that is also a game with which he can understand in a simple way how the human body is made?  This idea can also be suitable for adults studying anatomy or for the most curious about science. In fact, a model suitable for everyone.
Surely the human face, to be my first proposal, is not an easy starting point but I believe that with the right modifications and revisions it can become one of the many sets of representation of human anatomy in Lego format. The model consists of a fixed part, formed by the neck, chin, mouth, concave base of the esophagus in which the tongue is laid and half of the rest of the skull. The moving part contains the remaining half of the face, skull and brain. The moving piece can be separated entirely from the fixed one, being able to see the inside of the head on both sides.
The Set consists of 1705 pcs

I am a mechanical engineer; I have a passion for LEGO since I was a child and I started to design something personal with this model. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills and tools to model images, but I believe that the idea itself is understandable and pleasant to build; After all, we are participating in a competition of ideas! Your support for this project or any suggestions can make this design an even better product. Thank you for your time!

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