Wheat'sup! This build is a Lego version of the popular game The Settlers of Catan by Klaus Teuber. Catan is one of my favorite board games and I thought it would be great to have in LEGO form too!
When I was building this game, I wanted to have it as close as possible to the actual one. And one of the things that is a main component of Catan are the removable resource hexes and the board that divides into six pieces. At first, when I was building this, I was stumped as to how I wood do this, but with time, Lego hinges, and a lot of experimentation I finally got it to work. So each hex in this game is removable and the board also splits into six sections, which also allows for the addition of a 5-6 player extension that I designed for it and other expansions such as the Seafarer Expansion. I also updated the sheep tilesfrom my previous version to make them look a little more realistic.
This build includes four colors for the settlement, cities, and roads: orange, blue, white, and red. This game also includes a robber and a red and a yellow die.
When designing this build, one problem I ran into was what to use for resource and development cards. Printed resource cards would no work very well so I instead brick-built them. I am also currently working on development, longest road, and largest army cards that I will add at a later date.
I hope you like this build, please support and share! Also, if you have any questions ore feedback, please comment! I'll be happy to answer your inquiries. And keep building!