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BnGL X-tail Blacktron Space Ship

It's the Black and Gold Lego X-Tail Blacktron Space Ship.

If you follow my profile, you know that this build as all the other is a part of the ongoing challenge my 9yo daughter sets for me. The design must be as small as possible. She choose the color and shape of the craft. 

This time I wanted to build a Blacktron mini ship. But my lead designer said black goes better with gold. And since it's not the pure Blacktron color scheme I used custom modern Blacktron minifig (armor and headgear is from Minifigures Series 11 set no. 71002: Evil Mech)

While I was focused on the tiny cabin, my daughter created the bridge to the tail. She also picked the gold parts and black arches for the X shaped tail.

I must say I like it a lot. For me it looks like a private space jet for Blacktron General. Small and luxurious spacecraft.

There's a hatch in the roof for easy access. Two gold laser cannons and four engines.

The bricks are pretty common. I used bucket handles, binoculars and cups. The main gold piece on the tail is Heros Factory shoulder armor no. 15369. But we got it from set  41184 - Aira's Airship together with the propeller.

Thank you very much if you got this far. You can check rest of our story going through my other mini space ships. 

Lat's get the Lego Space back in store!

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