Product Idea |

The Notting Hill Market


4000 people flock Portobello Road!

Almost 2 months after submitting this project, 4000 people visited this market and casted their vote. I can't feel more grateful!

To celebrate it, I'll share some new images with you.

Thank you so much, and let's go for the next milestone of 5k!



We are 3000!

The Notting Hill Market has more than 3000 supporters, and I would like to thank you for all the awesome feedback and support received since I submitted this on 9th July. Now, let's go for more!


2000 Supports!

A bit late, but I would like to thank all of you the big support received so far for this project. You are AMAZING! 🙌

Now, let's go for the 3k!


A romcom and pizza to celebrate 1000 supporters. Thank you folks!

Watching a romcom (Guess which one?) and having a pizza alone to celebrate 1000 supporters!

T H A N K    Y O U!

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