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Staff Pick

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Megazord

Milestone missed

This Product Idea didn’t make it to the next milestone in time.


Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (MMPR) is a childhood memory of many, including myself. I still recall the happy days when I would rush home from school just to catch the latest episode, singing along to the catchy theme song and re-enacting “It’s morphin’ time” transformation sequence. 

The newly rebooted Power Rangers movie, re-ignited my childhood passion. So i set out to build the best LEGO Megazord there is out there, that has to be faithful to the original toy, be it the transforming or combining features. 

The triceratops piloted by Billy and sabre-toothed tiger piloted by Trini is straightforward, I designed them to be able to handle the weight of the Megazord. The challenges of the build are from Jason’s T-rex and Zach’s mastodon. It took me some time to figure out how to hide the T-rex head into the chest and transform the rear legs of the Mastodon into Megazord’s arms. The most daunting, however, is the pterodactyl piloted by Kimberly. I have to keep the profile thin without losing the form of the pterodactyl and at the same time showcase the signature chest plate of the Megazord with the jagged motifs. 

I firmly believe creativity has no limits and everything can be expressed and conveyed using LEGO. I am very happy to complete my Megazord MOC. Cast your votes, show your support and make it happen!

  • #power rangers
  • #megazord

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