Product Idea |

Cox Rural Store



Yes, one word which tells of my gut feelings about this project and all my works for the last year or so on Ideas. Seeing projects shoot past mine which are just thrown together no thought at all and yet they get multiple chances to go on.

I'm not alone, there are many other designers who's work deserve the same chances. If this continues the same path, then the tiger will quit. I'm getting old and tired, the fight in me is slowly draining away.

To those who have supported, followed and commented on my works over the years, yes YEARS, over five years on both Cuusso and Ideas combined I am very thankful and grateful to them.



Updated fencing hardware department

This looks more realistic now like a real hardware department, if you haven't supported this yet and like this project please do support and follow it.

Brick On Support On everyone !


Some more photos including close ups

Okay, first some of the brick/plate/technic part built merchandise which from the left of image are

1.) Float Valve

2.) Lever Valve

3.) Electric Fence Energiser.

4.) Wall mounted shearing plant motor

The following images are the rear views in close up showing the detail of all brick/plate/technic part brick items.

Some of the items here will be used again and again when I produce more stores like these though for different countries.

Note- Yes, a USA one is coming at some stage in the near future.

Please support and follow if you like this, Brick On Support On and Thank You everyone ! 

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