Product Idea |

Classic Tournament-Style Chess Game

What you see here is a traditional take on a classic game. The pieces were designed to be easily recognized, feel good in the hand, and stay together during gameplay. While also taking into consideration the FIDE's chess equipment standards. The chessboard's colors were chosen to be easy on the eyes while retaining its contrast. And supporting the board is a sturdy case with four large bays for equipment storage.

This would be a fantastic Lego set for multiple reasons:
  • It emphasizes mental challenge, concentration, and strategy.
  • The chess pieces have a realism and a traditional, Staunton style that I haven't seen in other chess set builds.
  • All 911 of the chess set's Lego pieces are as common and low-cost as possible. There are no special pieces whatsoever.
  • And you have to admit, it looks plain awesome!

If you want to see this become an actual set, then please support this. I can't do it without you!

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