Product Idea |

Modular Farmer's Co-op Building


Time's nearly up.

So, okay here's the math - 5 days and 41 supporters required to continue without a re-submission CAN this project do it ?
Only the short time left will tell.
Please keep those supports and follows for this coming in, thank you.

Brick On Support On everyone ! 


Now lets see if the sign looks better.

I decided to change the P on the sign, does it look better or worse ?

Please keep those supports coming in thank you.

Brick On everyone ! 


Now if everyone wants to see this real building.

Click the link,144.9721131,3a,75y,84.57h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7zvBNAqKn5Q_4TWM_XHlJA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd88e4f5d90d741a0!6m1!1e1

Yes, it's a link to a Google Maps page and look for the building that has the word "Hardware" running downwards on the front of it.

Please support this if you like, this might not be my only modular I do so if you want more modulars and a greater variety of them please support and even follow this one.

Thank you and Brick On Support On everyone ! 

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