Product Idea |

CITY Tow Truck With Crane

I came to the idea of building a CITY Tow Truck with crane when I saw the pantechnicon truck.

Colors used are mainly red, black, vibrant yellow and chrome silver (35381) for the mirrors.
The cabin has blinkers, mirrors, exhaust pipes (6L and 3L connected via technic pins 61332), horns and flashing blue lights. Four Lego cyclinders 31509 used to built the crane.

Features of the CITY Tow Truck with crane:
  • Rope winch with hook
  • Cabin doors which can be opened
  • Boot with doors to store the tow tools under the crane section
  • Several tow tools, chains, shovel, broom, pylons
  • Light at the crane to light the working area
  • Two lifters at the back
  • Truck driver with his husky
  • The vibrant yellow bricks are „glowing“ in the dark when e.g. blue LED light is used
  • enjoy pictures

Have fun during review. (all pictures made in horizontal 4:3 mode)

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