Product Idea |

Art Museum (With Functioning Elevator.)

For this project, I wanted to create an art museum with all the features of the real thing:

The Idea
The idea for this project first came from an idea I had for the Lego city that I build at home. I thought an art museum would be a good add on. Then I decided to make a bigger version for a set idea.

The Project
This project took me three weeks to complete. The hardest thing to complete for this project was to make the front of the building’s unique structure work for the multiple floors. My favorite part is the checkered floors.

Here is the specifics:
  • 2,489 pieces
  • three removable floors (with two openable doors for added playability.)
  • 7 minifigures (The museum curator, a yoga instructor and two of her students, an artist, and two others visiting the museum.)
  • a truck for the artist to paint the mural “Ideas matter” on it.
  • a functioning elevator
  • 23 paintings
  • a backyard art class
  • a yoga/art studio
  • A “create” food cafe for hungry visitors

Why do I believe this would a good lego set?
I believe this would be a good set because it is an unique idea. I think it would be fun to be able to build an architectural build that celebrates art. I also think it would be cool to have a set with a working elevator. I hope you like this build and below is a video of how the elevator works.

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