Product Idea |

Artemis Fowl: The Book


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"Stay back, human. You don't know what you're dealing with."

For those of you who don't know, Artemis Fowl is an excellent series of books and a soon-to-be (hopefully) movie about an Irish criminal mastermind...who's 12 years old.

Artemis Fowl is a genius, and his next plot is to exploit The People, a civilization of fairies that live underground, for their gold. In order to do that, he needs to understand his enemies. He seeks out a drunken Sprite in Ho Chi Minh City. This Sprite has the copy of The Book, basically the Fairy Bible. Artemis makes a deal with the sprite to restore her magic, in return for the Book. Artemis and his bodyguard, Butler, are led to the Sprite by Nguyen Xuan, and on the way, a pickpocket tries to take Butler's possessions, but Butler deals with him.

This project idea is for the Sprite's home, with barred windows and cobbled streets. Butler comes with a gun, and the sprite comes with The Book.

This set comes with the sprite, Artemis Fowl, Butler, Nguyen Xuan, and the pickpocket.

Thanks for looking/supporting/following! Be sure to READ THE BOOKS and check out my other projects, as well as others I've supported!

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