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Product Idea |

Concert Grand Piano.




1K Supporters!

Thank you so much for supporting, and comenting on this project. I couldn´t had gotten to this point if it wasnt for you. It has been awsome to see your comments on the project. I might not have time to answer them all, but I want you to know that I read them all. Keep comenting, and supporting, it has been encouraging, Thank you so much to all of you, keep supporting and sharing with your friends and family to make this an official  LEGO set.



Contest entry!

Make sure to check out my latest lego ideas contest entry! Make sure to comment what you like the best.

Also make sure to check out my other lego projects and support them.

                                                                                         Eduard Reynolds.                                                                                                              Builder and designer of this and other projects.


New project!

Hey guys! I have launched a new project, make sure to check it out, support, share, and follow.

R.M.S Titanic: &... It was a real challenge to build it, but totaly worth it.

I hope you like it as much as I did. And see you on the next update.

                                                                                                  Eduard Reynolds.                                                                                                      Builder and designer of this and other projects.


Almost 1/10

My project: "concert grand piano", is near getting 1,000 supports, make sure you comment, support, and share so that this project becomes an official lego set. Thanks to you all for supporting. Happy building!

                                                                                                          Eduard Reynolds.                                                                                                                                                                           Builder and designer of this and other projects.


Staff Pick!

Thank you so much for your help and supporting. I couldn´t have gotten here without all of you, my supporters. Thank you and Hapy building!




Some Images for your enjoyment.



"We just need a player."

Some people have told me and suggested me to add a lego player, or pianist. This update gives the piano more plaiability. The figure is scaled to the piano, and gives more life to the set. Keep up building.


                                                                                                                                                    Eduard Reynolds.

                                                                                                                                      Builder and designer of this project.


Popular this week.

Thank you all for supporting my project, it wouldn´t had been possible for me to get here without your help, thank you really much, and keep supporting. Don´t forget to support my Lego German Shepherd Dog. See you and keep on building.

                                                                                                                                            Eduard Reynolds                                                                                                                                                                         Builder and designer of this project.                        

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