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- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
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A lego set of minecraft, it have these characters Steve Enderman Zombie Creper and Slimes it have a furnance and a workbench a house a volcano a snowy forest and some caves. It have a oven and a crafting table it is extra big because it is 8x8 and no 6x6

Here is Steve and the Enderman
50 suporters=12/7/2012
100 suporters=11/28/2012 yay!!
sory for the waiting here is the new moon biome you have gold x2 and diamond x1 to put it warever you want