Product Idea |

Miss Doublegreens Classic Ice-Transporter

Here you see another fiction of mine.

The name & advertising (Miss Doublegreen) does not refer to any real person or company & is pure fiction.

And what is it?
Miss Doublegreens Classic Ice Block Transporter.
Miss Doublegreens Ice Transporter is a tribute to the old days when there were no refrigerators. People who could afford it used ice blocks to cool their food. This ice was often brought from far away. It was then sold in the cities and delivered to customers in carriages and transport wagons. Miss Doublegreens Ice-Block Transporter is one of these vehicles that advertises original Nordic ice blocks. Such a classic transporter could have looked something like this in the early 1900s.

Why did I build Miss Doublegreen's classic ice van?
I wanted to build a car again. It should be small and handy and it should fit in with the typical Lego themes. And so this small classic van was created, which represents a profession that is now extinct. The job of selling ice blocks.

Why could Lego build it?
Miss Doublegreen's Classic Ice Block Transporter would fit perfectly into the world of Lego Creator and modular houses. And it would add a new professional group to the Lego world. I haven't found an Ice Block seller there yet. The transporter would also be a nice addition to the Lego fleet.

Here are some details about Miss Doublegreen's Ice-Block Transporter

Dimension without Groundplate
W, L, H in Studs: 6.0 , 17,2 , 10,2
Parts 202

Dimension with Groundplate
W, L, H in Studs: 14.0 , 20.0 , 12.2
Parts 245

I wish all brick lovers lots of fun and enjoyment with Ideas-Lego.

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