Product Idea |

Space Invaders

I present my idea for a set based on the iconic arcade game "Space Invaders" featuring three of the titular invaders lovingly recreated to match their original 8-bit sprites with an optional display base to mount them on.

Including the base the initial concept, the set consists of 338 parts with monochromatic colours to match the original arcade designs (though would not be against more contemporary colours for the invaders)

I built this set as I am a huge fan of old arcade games and sci-fi and wanted to see if it was possible to replicate the style of the invaders with the use of lego.

I believe this would make a great lego set as the space invaders have a simple yet effective design to them and that the 3d pixel art style is a perfect fit when building with lego.

Looking forward to reading your comments

-Invader Design

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