Product Idea |

Little Drawings




The perfect IDEA, the Childhood in your hands made with LEGO Bricks.

If there is something that all person have in common about childhood, is the imagination!, Do you remember some incredible adventures in your live that have place only in your imagination?, me too!,and obviously, I recreated a lot of them with toys, but also i dedicated a big part of my childhood in drawings, (the drawings are photos that you can take in your imagintation to bring the moment to the real world! )and some times these drawings became in a LEGO MOC, or in a clay Model!

This time I present you the set that will bring back your best adventures of your childhood, taking the most common drawings from our childhood. And there are:

The King's Castle, in which, there could be a King planning a new building for a new castle, or a new way to transport his troops. 

The Little House, a model designed by all children in this world, It can be common, but inside, there are a lot of different places in wich you can do everything you want.

The Ship, We need a way to transport between awesome places, and some times the best way is using a Ship, a beautiful ship that looks simple, but really is a big and strong Ship, if you can't see it, ask your inner child, may be, he remember all details about that ship you drew some years ago.

The rocket, Yes! My favorite!, The rocket in which you traveled around different worlds!, if your imagination was very big, you need more than one world! and you need a rocket to travel between worlds!

You also need a tool to save all these moments, You used LEGO Bricks to Travel, but sometimes you will need those bricks to build a better model, and the adventures will be lost. so the pencil will allow you to take a photo inside your head while the adventure is going on!, so there could be perfect if a LEGO model represent that tool with it's essence. 


So, Let's continue with details of this set:

It contains 440 pieces, incluiding:

  1. Classic spaceman
  2. Classic seaman
  3. The King's Castle
  4. The Little House
  5. LEGO Pencil

All models are based on drawings made by kids, and each model includes a base to you can exhibit the model in that special place that only you know!.

You can remove some pieces from the Ship and Rocket to put the minifigure inside!

A great LEGO set for all persons that have been kids sometime in its life!

This set can be awesome because I think that all of us have drawn at least one of this models, and this is one way to combine essential points in our childhood, drawings, adventures, toys, and fun!. I know that will be a beatiful detail if every time you go to work, and may be it's a difficult day, there is a little building remembering you that there is a child inside you, and there is always a new adventure with problems to solve.


Please support and share if you want this little set, and if you remember a moment in your childhood viewing this project!.


I will be posting Updates, some new decals, Some videos to show you more details and I will try to build models with real bricks to show you that really can be a great LEGO set.


Have a great Day! 

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