Product Idea |

Lighted Train Signal


Revamped Signal!

Here is a better design that is more like most signals while still being able to put in the lights the wires will spiral down the stand in small groves between the ladders.


Revamp Coming!

I have been told that it does not look thought out also i have no way of making it "work" with regular LEGO pieces and electronic! So I will be working hard to make a new model in LDD to make it look better, this will include more pictures, a way to hide the wires that will be going into this, and also just an overall better look!

I also forgot to explain how it will work (Whoops!) The plan is that it will be a Front and back design so it will come with 2 sets of lights that will alternate (1 light of each set will go in 1 of each side so each light set is going in both *Hope that makes sense*) Then the wires will run down to 2 switches connected by Lego Pieces which connect to the battery box!

I hope that Clears Multiple problems up!

If you have any more suggestion, questions to be answered, even a tweak you think should be made let me know!

Thanks Guys! -camlegofun

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