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The process of creating this model took many, many days, even more time ;) and only about 220 bricks.

It all started from a 5-studs wide black car, then I went through a lot of changes and finally came to this what You can see on the pictures. All that time the model was regularly compared with real K.I.T.T. diagrams. There are two basic versions:

-with long curved slopes 1x4

-and with usual slopes 1x1 which can be changed to opened lights (there would be a lamp pattern on each of these tiny slopes).

The set allows You to construct a group of segments that You can combine in different ways to make K.A.R.R. or K.I.T.T. That means that You can switch from model to model - also in the convertible mode.

If You think I need to explain anything else, tell me about it. If You enjoy pictures or You're just a fan of "Knight Rider" please vote :D.

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