Product Idea |

Heavily-Weaponized Armored Karrak DroidIntelligence Class A.1

As the galaxy in 2351 becomes polluted with more and more evil, a secret agency which goes by the name of Karrak sends out a Heavily-Weaponized Armored Karrak DroidIntelligence Class A.1 to rid the planet Rogktar of evil. Armed with heavy-repeating laser cannons, long-range lasers, concussion grenade launchers, poison dart guns, and heavy-impact armor.

I was experimenting with Lego and I saw that I was building something that looked like a robot, so I finished it up and added some futuristic touches. I believe that children and adults alike would enjoy this. It is amazingly detailed and symmetrical on both sides. It can be an incredible Lego set. Thanks for looking!

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