Product Idea |

Lego RPG






The being will have a board where you can build the map that will have enemies, secrets and powerful bosses



There will be 3 different cards

1- Weapons "orange card"
{weapons that tell you how to play your lego dice and special effects if it has}
2- Magic or special effects "blue card"
[They have positive or negative effects for other enemies]
3- Of enemies "gray card"
(Has life, damage and special effect)

Habra 3 tarjetas distintas
1- De armas "tarjeta de color naranja"
{ armas que te indican como debes de jugar tu dado de lego y efectos especiales si tiene}
2- De magia o efectos especiales  "tarjeta de color azul"
[Tienen efectos positivos o negativos para otros enemigos]
3- De enemigos  "tarjeta de color gris"
(Tiene la vida, Daño y efecto especial)




Here are 2 dice, one normal to advance and the other when you face an enemy

(in the case of the enemy die)

"lego" faces means that you successfully attacked
"caravera" the enemy attacks you
"green x2" you are lucky and it affects (double or additional effect)
"x2 red" the enemy attacks you with an additional effect

- As it is a lego die, you can change the faces to balance the game according to the player having his "weapon", for example the axes have more strength = 2 "x2 green" but they are slow = 3 "caraveras" and a "failure"



Aqui estan 2 dados uno normal para avanzar y el otro cuando te enfrentas a un enemigo

( en el caso del dado enemigo )

"lego" significa que atacaste exitosamente
"caravera" el enemico te ataca
"x2 verde" tienes suerte y afecta (lo doble o efecto adicional)
"x2 rojo" el enemigo te ataca con un efecto adicional

- como es un dado de lego se puede cambiar las caras para balanciar el juego segun el jugador tenga su "arma" por ejemplo las hachas tienen mas fuerza = 2 "x2 verdes" pero son lentas = 3 "caraveras" y un "fallo"

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