Product Idea |

Mini Stone Cottage

I present to you my Mini Stone Cottage!

What is it?
Set in a pine forest sits this quaint cottage built of cobblestone and covered with a thatched roof. The interior is complete with a rug in the center, a bed and table, a cozy fireplace with tools on the left and split wood tucked under a second table to the right, and finally an axe hung over the front window.

Why did I build it?
With so many an expertly desined medieval build on this site, most are relatively large sets making them affordable to fewer LEGO enthusiasts. Here, my aim was to create a small, affordable set while retaining a high level of detail and captivating building techniques.

Influenced by the pieces I had, since building physically was also a priority, the concept turned out even smaller than my original plan for a minifig-scale build, and also contains less of a medieval flavor than first intended.

However, I think this build still serves as a proof of concept, leaving the door open to a future (perhaps a digital) build that is more on target with my original goals.

The build measures 4.62 in. (11.73 cm) wide, 4.41 in. (11.20 cm) deep, and 3.84 in. (9.75 cm) tall. Being fairly dense it weighs 4.8 oz. (135 g) and is comprised of 248 pieces.

In short, the whole thing! However, I will share the top three:

First, the irregular base was tricky to connect together, as it is actually built in three different directions and held together by plates and modified bricks. The original design was fairly fragile, but after extensive revising it is much more solid.

Next is the roof. Originally I had constructed it by simply stacking plates, but the result was rather plain and unsatisfying. Then I created the angled version, which is secured to the cottage by two hinges. Connecting the plates together without making the roof more than two plates proved very challenging, though the final result is stable enough that it can be easily removed to gain aditional access to the interior.

Finally, the chimney/fireplace posed many difficulties. It utilizes a variety of pieces to achieve a protruding, cobbled look, as well as to conceal two 1x2 hinge bricks that connect the swinging back wall to the rest of the cottage. It underwent a few reconstructions, and I am quite pleased with the final result, especially since I even ended up fitting fire inside the fireplace.

Why do I believe this would make a great LEGO set?
Though a mini scale build it is packed with interest, with detail sacrificed at the minimum, making this an affordable yet intriguing set affordable to nearly all LEGO buyers.

Thank you!
If I have earned your support, thank you so much! Leave a comment; I enjoy hearing from you! Have an awesome day! :D

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