Product Idea |

The "Hornet"

Meet the "Hornet," my own original idea of a hot rod. I built this model way back when I was twelve, but it's always been one of my favorites. I thought others would enjoy it as much as I do if it became a set!
As you've probably guessed by now, I'm calling this the "Hornet" because of its black and yellow color scheme. I chose these colors because I think they look really well together. There's also some gray and gold thrown in there just for variety.
This model has got a lot of cool features, including retro headlights, a compact cab, and a little stand so that the car can be put in a wheelie position. Behind the car there is a small set of wheels which a lot of actual rally vehicles have for support during stunts.
Well I hope you like my idea, the "Hornet!" Be sure to give it your support, and don't forget to share it with your friends.
Happy building!

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