Product Idea |

Druid's Grove

Welcome to my build!

My build is centered around a group of nature's guardians located in a remote forest camp.

The set consists of 4 foldable larger areas and a 5th piece the gate. Starting from the left is the old tower ruins which is taken back by nature but still operates a portal which takes you to the top where the seat of the Great Druid is located. From up above he can watch over the land with his globe. 

Moving on is the blacksmith area with of course your local weapons master and his great forge. Here you can make the best quality weapons for the job and enchant it with some powerful materials of your choice.

Next is the center piece, the spirit's circle here you can seek help from the great spirits of the forest. The cunning and agile tiger, the brave and strong bear, the wise and quick hawk. Should they find your request worthy of their power they might even lend you their skills. Behind each mask is a LEGO Light brick(No. 38625) which lights up the mask completly giving the illusion of power activation.

Our last stop is the healing area. Here you can find a lake between two waterfalls filled with the cleanest crystals to enhance the mending powers nearby with the help of the group's best healer. You can create cures and potions for her and the rest of the injured with the cauldron in the back and the rune pages located above.

To hide the sanctuary from intruders is the gates hidden behind the leaves carved into a stone wall protected by the forest itself.

Technical data:

  • The set consists of 1971 pieces
  • All sections are connected and can be fold
  • The complete area is around ~74x35cm depends how you fold it.
  • The blacksmith's roof can be opened from both sides
  • Behind each animal mask is a LEGO Light brick which can be used to light them up

Why did I make this build?

As a child I played a LOT of MMOs and I took a huge inspirations from them, I think it might be obvious which one(s). I also loved to look at the lego magazines as a kid watching the cool backround art for the current fantasy sets at the time such as castle,knight's kindom,vikings,fright knights,heroica and so on. Back then I had the idea but couldn't afford the tools to make it reality now that there's no limit I made it.

Why do I think it would be a great set?

Looking at the current lineup I honestly think that there is a need for real fantasy sets to come back. I miss having your classic medieval good vs. bad guys sets with no integrated story leaving it to your imagination and I hope that if this set achieves something it might start a new series of theese builds.

It has a lot more of details but sadly I'm limited to just 15 pictures, I hope their quality is good enough to show it's size and features.

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