Product Idea |

Piazza Vecchia Città Alta Bergamo

What is it? Why did you build it? And why do you think it could become a great Lego set?
Apparently it would seem 3 very simple questions, but I assure you, dear readers and Lego fans, it is not easy to find answer!
Let’s go step by step...

What is that?
The answer would seem obvious for those like me who live in this beautiful city in northern Italy called Bergamo... I think that for us citizens it is enough to immediately recognize Piazza Vecchia located in the upper town, a historic place (it is spoken since the 12th century) has always been a pivotal point of the city for the inhabitants and thousands of tourists who daily visit the place.
The square, as intended to be represented by this project, consists of the "Fontana del Contarini" (1780), the "Palazzo della Ragione" (1183) and the so-called "Campanone" (11th century).
The miniature is also enriched with several details as well as the sundial represented on the floor (eighteenth century), the charming checkerboard flooring and the statue depicting "Torquato Tasso" (famous Italian poet and writer of 1500).

Why did you build it?
Beautiful question... Why? If I really have to think about it, I would say that the first answer is time! The truth is that this idea and its project began in 2020 during the periods of restriction due to the appearance of the Covid-19 virus that hit Italy (of which Bergamo was among the first cities to be in the center of attention) and around the world. The idea was born from a moment of personal escape to want to do something that left its mark and that best represented my city, and as a lover of bricks, what better way to do it with Lego?
Moreover, I always thought that this miniature could be a source of curiosity for all those possible tourists who want to come and visit my beautiful city!

And why do you think it could become a great Lego set?
I find it beautiful, simple, detailed, it represents something alive and true... It can be a souvenir, a conversation starter, but I think it’s fun to build. Imagine building it step by step also showing the real photos of the various details and maybe even the historical description; combine interactivity with history and culture... I would say it is perfect for adults and children.
And above all, it’s LEGO! Enjoy!

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