Product Idea |

Heroes of Olympus: Hecate and Hazel


Greetings, friends, fans, and flamingos! This set is in celebration for me getting Minecraft. After I realized that instead of just making the big Heroes of Olympus book scenes into Lego sets, I could also make the smaller (but, of course, no less important) ones, too. Therefore, I present to you the first of many to come -- Heroes of Olympus: Hecate and Hazel. The sets figures includes Hecate, the goddess of magic; her "pets" (Sorry, I can't remember their names.); Hazel Levesque; and Arion, the fastest horse alive. The structures are, well, three arches, and some ruins with Hecates torches on the walls. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for supporting! Adios Amigos! Team Leo!

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