Product Idea |

DNA Structure Double Helix

What is it?

This is a double helix DNA structure I had built. DNA runs inside all living things including us (of course). It also makes proteins for your body. In the build, the color blue represents thymine, while yellow, green, and orange represents guanine, adenine, and cytosine. All four of these DNA types make proteins. In most living things every three bars in the DNA code makes a different type of protein for your body. The little green 1 by 1 circular bricks I have place on the DNA structure randomly represent the molecules, which usually float around DNA. DNA consist of of blood, saliva, cells, skin, etc.

Why did you make it?

This was actually a science project I had to do for school. I was told to make a DNA structure out of what ever I wanted. I have always been a big LEGO fan and of course decided to make my DNA structure out of LEGO bricks.

Why do you believe this would make a great LEGO set?

As far as I know, there has never been a DNA structure LEGO set. Because of that I believe this could become a great LEGO set because it has never been in LEGO history.

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