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Conquer The Pyramid

Conquer The Pyramid

It is a strategic game that can be played with friends, or in family between 2 and 4 players.

The player who brings all his/her 3 same colored pawns on the top of the pyramid, on his/her colored zone, wins the game.
Each player has a stopper, 3 pawns and 3 stairs.


Starting the game:
Each player chooses a color.
Each player roll the dices. The player who roll 6 on a dice and has the biggest sum from the numbers of the two dices, starts the game.

Introducing the pawns:
The player who started the game will roll again the dices. If one of the dices is 6, then he/she will introduce a pawn on the round colored zone from the bottom of the pyramid.
If none of the dices is 6 he/she will have to wait again for his/her turn to be able to introduce a pawn.
After the pawn was introduced, the player has to wait for another turn to be able to roll again the dices and to introduce another pawn.

Moving the pawns:
The player who has all 3 pawns on his/her round colored zone, from the bottom of the pyramid, can start moving the pawns, by rolling the dices.
He/she will have only one turn to roll the dices and move only one pawn. Each player will move the pawn in the direction shown by his/her colored arrow next to the board.
The player will move the pawn, keeping the other 2 pawns on the round colored zone, on the bottom level of the pyramid until he/she will roll 6 on a dice. Then the player can introduce the stairs.

The stairs:
When a player roll 6 on a dice, if all his/her 3 pawns are introduced, he/she can take a stair and put it under the pawn.
A stair cannot be introduced if the position of the pawn is still on the round colored zone, or if the position of the pawn is on one of the corners of the board.
The pawn will wait on the stair until the player, on another turn, will roll 6 on a dice.

Second level:
On his turn when a player roll 6 on a dice, if he/she has a pawn on the stairs, he/she can pass it to the second level.
To reach the third level, on his turn, a player should roll 6 on a dice to take another stair.
If none of the dices is 6 the player will choose if he/she wants to move another pawn from the bottom of the pyramid, or to move the one from the second level in another position.
In this moment, the player can choose if he/she wants to bring the other 2 pawns in the same position with this one, or to continue only with this one, until will reach the top of the pyramid.
Beware of the other player/players, the holes and the stoppers.

The holes:
At the second level, there are four holes.
If a player, from rolling the dices, reach a hole with a pawn, that pawn will fall outside the pyramid.
To introduce again the pawn, the player has to roll 6 on a dice. The pawn will be introduced only on the round colored zone from the bottom of the pyramid.

The stoppers:
A stopper block a pawn to reach another level. The player can't change the position of his pawn, from the stairs to the next level.
The pawn will remain on the stair until the player will roll 6 on a dice to eliminate the stopper.
A player can use the stopper when he/she has at least one pawn on that level and after rolling 6 on a dice.

Other players:
Player 1 reached a position with the pawn from the third level and his/her turn ended. If player 2 reach the same position with the pawn, then the pawn of the player 1 will be removed from the pyramid.
Player 1 will introduce the pawn back on the pyramid after he/she rolls 6 on a dice. The pawn will be introduced on the round colored zone from the bottom of the pyramid.
A pawn that stays on a stair and wait to pass to the next level, can't be eliminated if another pawn is in the same position.

Reaching the top of the pyramid:
To pass from the third level to the last level, the player should roll on both dices the exact number that the pawn will make from the initial position to the last position from the top.
If on the dices it is not the exact number then the pawn can't climb the stair and will stay on the third level where it will be moved to other positions.
First player who bring all 3 pawns on the top of the pyramid, on his colored zone, wins the game.

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