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ColorQuest - The colorful 3D adventure game for 2 players!

Goal: First player to get to the crystal wins!


  • (The youngest goes first) Role the die: Red = 1 point for Red Player; Blue = 1 point for Blue Player; Gold = 5 points for the player who roled; Purple = Attack with catapult; Green = Spin the spinner; Tan = 0 points for player who roled.
  • Spinner: Red = 1 point for Red Player; Blue = 1 point for Blue Player; Green = 2 points for player who spinned: Tan = 0 points for player who spinned.
  • Catapult attack: Attack behind the barrier.  The goal when shooting is to knock down the other player's tower.  If some, but not all of the pieces of the enemy's tower fall off, no points are gained.  Five points are gained for the attacker once the entire tower is deconstructed.  (The tower must not be set up again until all of the piece are deconstructed.)
  • Moving: A player moves his character up one space every ten points (e.g. 10 points = red space; 20 points = orange space; etc.)


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