Product Idea |

New Theme: Micro City

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I think LEGO could create a product theme called Micro City.

This theme could be devided in some sub-themes:
Micro City - Skyscrapers
Micro City - Buildings
Micro City - Infrastructure
Micro City - Vehicles
Micro City - Landscape

And some special themes:
Micro City - Emergency Services
Micro City - Construction
Micro City - Port
Micro City - Airport

'Micro City - Skyscrapers' would be the first subcategory to sell and the others will follow later.

In the screenshot you can see some skyscrapers I made for this Micro City series.
These buildings will get nice looking base plates later, while I'm still working on them.

- Beacuse of the high number of pieces and the high price of the Micro City - Skyscraper Series (up to 12.000 pieces in the 'Big Twins' set) I would recommend these sets to advanced builders. Other sets could be used by starting builders as well.
- Expert builders could build in some lights to give the buildings an even nicer look in the dark.
- I estimate the price in a range of 50-250 Euros for the skyscrapers and 25-50 Euros for the smaller buildings and other sets.

The scale of the skyscrapers is 2 plates equals 1 floor. Let's say 2 plates are 6 millimeters in height, so a 100 floor building would be about 60 centimeters high. This scale is used by some other builders as you can see here:

The scale of smaller buildings will be 4 plates equals 1 floor like this:

The scale of vehicles would be this:

All skyscrapers that I have designed on a row from low to high. More skyscrapers like this and smaller ones will follow in the future.

Left: Detail screenshot of the top from the towers in the 'Big Twins' set.
Right: Overview of the 'Big Twins' set. I just started working on the park at the left side. The set is build on six 48x48 baseplates and the top reaches up to 115 centimeters.

Close up to the plaza. The trees will get replaced by the ones you might know from LEGO Micro Square:

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