Product Idea |

Lego Star Wars Death Star Destruction, The Board Game

First of all: Thanks to WipeoutZone for rendering.

Now to my project:
This is my new Lego Star Wars board game.
The mind of the game is that one player represents the rebells and the other one represents the dark empire.
The ambition is that you reach the terminal exhaust and destroy the Death Star or you reach the rebel base and switch the Death Star protection shield back on.
Each of the two players has 3 spaceships.
The player who represents the rebells has 3 X-wing Starfighters and the other one has 3 TIE-fighters.
To go forward you play a dice and move forward 1-6 fields.
Every spaceship can kick a adversarial spaceship of the board.
Now the kicked spaceship must start at his home base.
There are golden special fields on the board.
If your spaceship comes on one of that fields you must play a dice with the special die.
It can give you help by the Millennium Falcon/imperal gun turret or it can make you wait for one round.
The game rules are not really mature yet so I'm open for suggestions.
I hope you like it!
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Here you can see the golden special fields and a X-wing starfighter flying on the game field.

These are the spaceships you'll get in the game.

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