Product Idea |

ラーメン。 Ramen


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Build the world's most famous soup!

"Spice" it up with your favorite ingredients and create delicious-looking compositions!
The model was designed, as a fully customizable construction, thanks to a wide selection of ingredients.

Prepare it the way you like it!

It all starts with the construction of the basics: a "bamboo" roll-out pad, a "ceramic" bowl with subtle details, chopsticks (hidden in a decorated "paper" wrapping) and a special chirirenge spoon.

And then, the choice is yours! Choose which of the 12 ingredients go into your bowl:
  • Curly ramen noodles
  • Chashu bacon
  • Egg (or darker, marinated Nitamago egg)
  • shrimp in Panko
  • Pressed Nori algae...
  • Cooked shrimp (based on brickseparator)
  • many variations of mushrooms
  • Naruto Maki fish cakes
  • Pak-choi cabbage
  • corn, chives
  • broth in one of three colors (from clear to thick and flavorful)

In other words, many possibilities for soup arrangements. You are sure to find the one that looks best!
Are you still hungry for a challenge? Can you handle emptying the bowl with chopsticks?

So what? Do you fancy Ramen built entirely out of blocks?



- ちぢれラーメン
- チャーシューベーコン
- 玉子(または黒っぽいニタマゴの漬け玉子)
- エビのパン粉焼き
- 海苔の押し藻。
- エビの炊き込み(れんこんをベースに😉)。
- きのこいろいろ
- 鳴門巻かまぼこ
- パクチーキャベツ
- コーン、ニラ
- 3色のスープ(透明なものから濃厚で風味豊かなものまで)


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