Product Idea |


What is it?
For this build I remade my Longboard in LEGO form.

Why did I build this?
I build this because skating and building with LEGO are my favourite hobbies, so I got the idea to combine my two hobbies to make something Awesome. I also thought it would be a good challenge for me because I needed to use complex building techniques to make the skatetrucks and wheels.
Why do I believe this would make a great LEGO set?
I think this set would be great because the print on the bottom of the deck can be easily changed and customized. LEGO has always been about creativity and this would incentivise fans to make their own versions of the set and post these online. This in turn will bring more attention to the set. I also think it is a cool display piece for LEGO fans who enjoy skating like me.

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