Product Idea |

Reptile Tank - Green Mamba

Who doesn't love a snake in their room? Well, maybe, maybe not, but with this reptile living in a tank, you can feel safe that he won't escape and you won't get bitten or poisoned by him!

This little Green Mamba is a highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis native to the coastal regions of southern East Africa. In spite of common urban legends and misconceptions labelling the eastern green mamba an aggressive, fast-moving “people-chaser”, it is in fact a shy and elusive species that remains hidden in the trees, and is rarely seen. Until now! 

He moves around and can either be taking a nap, ready to eat his lunch (Yum! Yum!) or curling himself around the log - you choose, he can be in a different spot every day! He even comes with a spare head and eyes so you can make him do whatever you feel like.

I hope you like our little Green Mamba and vote for him!

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