Product Idea |

Oscar Awards Trophy (Statuette).


The Minifig-scale Oscar.

Sorry about that, the computer crashed before I could upload the image.


The Minifig Oscars.

      Hey there, this is just a small update, I was looking at my Minifigs and I thought that it would be cool if my Minifigs could have their own Oscar Trophy, so I added a Minifig-Scale Trophy (Picture Below).
      I was really excited about the amount of supporters I was getting but after 100 is started to slow down I hope this update will get me more supporters.
      Finally, I'm sorry about the lack of uploads from me.  Because I do not have a lot of LEGO™ pieces, I mostly make models in Lego Digital Designer, and my LDD to POV-Ray Converter was not working.  Now that it is back up and running again I will be releasing another model as soon as I can.

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