Product Idea |

The Princess Bride: The Guilder Frontier


Many Thanks!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported or in other ways helped my project on its journey to reach 10K! We are less than 50 away now, and it seems likely that we are going to make it.

I specifically want to thank a few users on IDEAS who have blown me away with their constant help and support. Most notably, @Nathanos, @Support_Princess_Bride, @BrickArtisan, @Sidorak, and @legofan752, although there are many others, all of whom I deeply appreciate.

Along with that, I’ve gotten tons of help from outside the LEGO IDEAS community, including but not limited to Mandy Patinkin, The Princess Bride Facebook page, Nerdist, Laughing Squid, and Beyond the Brick. This project wouldn’t have made it nearly this far yet without them.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped to make this possible, and to everyone who will help in the future!



We are in the final stretch before 10K. I cannot express how much I appreciate all of the support that you have given. We haven't made it yet, though, so please share this with anyone that you can! We are able to do this. Thank you!


Replacement Plaques

As @legofan752 pointed out, I accidentally messed up the name for The Battle of Wits, and I also left out the space in "Fire Swamp." These are the replacement images for those two plaques.



While it's not as certain as that, we are getting very close, and if we can just get the word out about this a little bit more, we can make it to 10K, and give The Princess Bride the chance it deserves at being a LEGO set. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported this, as well as anyone who might later!


3/4 of the Way There!

Thank you so much for getting this project to 7,500! We have made it farther than most projects do. It's still quite a way to get to 10,000, and I need your help! If you have anyone that you can share this with, please share it, and tell them to share it as well! This could become a LEGO set, but not without your help!


Inigo Montoya is now a supporter!

We just gained a notable supporter! You can see him and the other cast members reunited this Sunday at 7 pm EDT. See more details HERE.


"Throw me the rope."

One of the most requested updates has been a rope for the Cliffs of Insanity. I have tried many options, but before now, I haven't been able to implement an acceptable solution. A few days ago, though, @SuperSendyManDude suggested a process to get the rope part in place that finally worked. Here is an update that has been a long time coming: 



6000 and Lots of Publicity!

A few days ago, Nerdist covered this project in an article. Since then, several more sites have shared it, and the original article has been shared to several other sites, and even on Youtube. From all this publicity, we have reached 6,000 a mere two weeks after reaching 5,000. Thanks to everyone who has shared this project, and to everyone who has supported and commented on it. We wouldn't be this far today without you.

Check out some of the articles about the project here:


"Pleasure Cruise Through Eel Infested Waters"

Due to numerous people's requests, I have created boats for the trio and for the Man in Black. This could be added or not if this project is produced depending on what LEGO desires. As is, though, these models would add 327 parts to the project. 

A few more technical views:

Please tell me what you think in the comments!

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