Product Idea |

Warbot of the "King of Space" by Jonny Duddle

I present my representation of Warbot, characters from the book "The King of Space" by Jonny Duddle that tells the story of a boy who plans to dominate the universe while having his normal routine of a boy at school.
I fell in love with the illustrations in the book and even more with the predominant red Warbot with its friendly and detailed StealPunk style.
I really enjoy creating and using pieces manually, one by one, something that is born real and physical, even if it is often limited by the availability of LEGO pieces that I can find.
Built on a platform, Warbot has a unique charisma and alone pleases the eye and makes you want to own it.
I dedicated myself to transferring as many details as possible and I really hope that you like it and that you can support my project as much as you can, and for that I am very grateful in advance.

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