Product Idea |

Zoriphay's Angel

! Even if we're doomed to fail, I'll never give up! With every difficulty we come across, I always come through when it counts. I am the angel of Hope, Behold my power and fear no more!

This set is made from my fascination with angels and the courageous hope that fills my heart. I hope this set can help bring at the very least a sliver of the hope it represents to all who lay eyes upon it. That aside, even if it doesn't, at least it looks kinda cool huh?

Set is remarkably stable and flexible so playing with it should not be much of a problem. The only concern of mine regards the weak hinges in the wings. I bought the wings and tested my design. The base would do better with a ball-hinge, but there aren't any in L.D.D. so this'll do for now.

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