Product Idea |

Abandoned Seaside Shop


Explore the ruins of the abandoned seaside shop.  Look at the broken bait wall, hat stand, or fishing pole rack.  Talk to the old fisherman and listen to his stories.  Just watch out for the rat!

I built this model mostly because my little brother just really got into fishing.  And I've noticed that old-fashioned buildings seem to do well on Lego Ideas.  So I did my best to build an abandoned looking fishing shop on LDD.  I hope you like it!

This old fishing shop is constructed out of 827 bricks and features a rickety dock attached to a run-down shack of a store.  A vegetation covered city drain flows out from underneath the building and past a sea star that is attached to a broken dock support.  Inside the shop, a sideways picture of a sailing ship hangs next to a teetering fish on a display board.  The wall is sky blue and has a few holes knocked in it.  In the center there is a fish decorated fishing rod stand that at one time would have been able to hold eight fishing poles.  Against the other wall, a bait rack barely stands next to a hat display.  The bait rack has a few missing packets and the hat display is missing two hats, and one of the mannequin heads.  Thank you for your support. :)

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