Product Idea |

Teddy Bear (articulated)


"Father... give me ears!"

A few more parts arrived, and I'm redoing the hip joint to make it a little more robust. :)


Progress with the real model!

Getting close now... a shame its all Grey right now, but who knows. There's loads of cool colour options right now, and a little change to the tummy means even more options for decoration.

With a slight change to the hinges, the legs can now support that torso in a classic teddy bear pose. :) Very happy about that!

Anyway, about 20 parts to go...


Sourcing the parts!

So, I've been looking through Bricklink, BrickOwl etc to see what colours the parts have been released in. Probably the most important part in the design is the Arch Brick 6x6x2, 87559, and frustratingly, it's a fairly rare brick. :)


It's been released in eight colours: Black, Dark Bluish Gray, Dark Brown, Dark Green, Dark Purple, Dark Red, Tan, and Flat Silver. OUtside of Black, Dark Bluish Gray and Tan, the other colours aren't suitable as they haven't been used in the vast majority of the other parts of the bear's design.

Top of the list, unsurprisingly ;) is Dark Bluish Grey. Almost all of the pieces exist in this colour, and Light Bluish grey parts exists for all the complimentary coloured areas, the bottoms of the limbs, the tummy, the muzzle. There's a couple of exceptions, but it really does seem as though Dark Bluish Gray is the only viable option.

Sadly, I think that part has increased in popularity/scarcity, I think because of MOCs of the Razorcrest spaceship from The Mandalorian TV show. So it's going to take quite a while to get hold of the parts, without bankrupting myself in the process. :D

I still aim to get it built though, as I think that's going to help get more support - for people to see it for real, rather than as a render.

Again, thanks for the support so far. Please, do share the project with anybody you think might be interested! :)


Video Render Tests of the Teddy Bear

I've managed to import the bear into a 3D package (One I used years ago that is probably well out of date now!) and am now trying to remember what I used to know about this kind of thing. :)

I've rendered a quick rotation , and will be adding it to the project, but I think it's still 25 days before the main page can be updated. I'd hoped you could add videos down in this section, but apparently not. The test rotation is up on my instagram @packatrix, so give that a follow to see more videos over the coming days/months etc. :)


Customisable Face elements

I added a grab of some facial expression options (and just for fun, colour variations - including a Teddy Pig)

By moving the snout up or down, you get access to the lower or upper studs on the 87559 Curved Arch Brick pieces that make up the head. By lifting the snout up and placing some round plates behind, you can add a mouth below.

I've added a basic stand as well - I'd need to do more testing with the joints to see how much weight could be supported, and whether you might need to move to snap and bush joints.

Thanks again for any/all support. Please pass it on and Make ABS* Cuddly Again!


* Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - what the majority of LEGO is made from basically! ;)

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