Product Idea |

The White Cottage


Welcome to The White Cottage.

The White Cottage is the home of the Banks, a wealthy family of five (and their butler & pets) who live in the countryside in their luxurious house. 

The White Cottage would make a good set because it has lots of playable elements (such as the toys or the car) and has a nice overall look. The different storeys and elements allow the user to imagine their own story creating another element of play.
The different storeys are removable allowing full accessibility to every room. Also, you can personalise the cottage by changing the layout of the interior.

I personally like this set because it has lots of fun elements allowing me to create my own story with the characters in the set.

More details:

The house has 4 levels (see photographs): 
1st storey:   A kitchen and garage at the bottom.
2nd storey:  A living room and a child's bedroom.
3rd storey:   The parent's bedroom with a balcony.
4th storey:   The attic.

The front yard has a veggie patch and an apple tree, as well as a large open area for maximum playability. The kitchen has a little fridge, a sink, an oven and a coffee maker. There is also a little table and a TV. 

The second storey has a brick-built TV and brick-built couches. The children's bedroom is under the maroon slanted roof and houses a brick-build bed and toys.

The third storey contains a brick-build bed, a dresser and a desk with a computer. The balcony has a little umbrella and a reclining chair. 

The attic is what you would expect in an attic. It has rats and spiders in every corner and random items here and there.

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