Product Idea |

Lego Urban Buggy

The Lego Urban Buggy was built for fun. It's lightweight, yet strong enough for indoor reckless driving. I'm quite pleased with the design, since i managed to hide all the wiring and PF-parts without the need for lots of parts.


This model does not exceed 800 parts, and has a matchweight well under 1 kg. Remote controlled, of course!

The tires are obviously not original lego parts, but something I would like Lego to produce in the future.

1 PF servo for steering
2 PF Large motors for moving
1 Small battery Box
1 IR receiver

Hope you like it :-)

The PF-motors are hidden under the hood (yes, it can easily be opened)

The rear suspension is a bit soft, but with some help from the brilliant minds at Lego it can surely be improved.

A rechargable battery Box would make the car go faster.

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