Product Idea |

Corellian Defender with Satele Shan, Qyzen Fess, & C2-N2

Projects really only have a shot if they go viral to some extent. If you support, please also tweet the project, share on Facebook, directly contact SWTOR guilds etc...

What is Cuusoo?
There is a chance that you have happened upon this page without knowing anything about Cuusoo. Cuusoo is a site where people submit ideas for new Lego sets. If the project can get 10,000 Supporters then Lego will review the projected. If Lego likes the idea then they will create their own version of the project (in this case a Corellian Defender with an assortment of Minifigs) and mass produce it to make it available to fans.

If you already have a facebook or twitter account you can create an account with no hassle at all using that login. If not, it only takes about a minute to make a Cuusoo account to support a project.

So, if you would like to see Lego produce a Corellian Defender, then please create an account and support this project.

This is the Jedi vessel from the game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Satele is a character from The Old Republic. Based on her use of the Double-bladed lightsabre her class is likely Jedi Consular. She already exists as a Lego Minifig.

C2-N2 is a support droid that resides on the Corellian Defender.

Qyzen Fess is a Trandoshan and is the companion of Jedi Consular characters (and thus the reason I picked him to go with this Project).

If you need to see this thing in three dimensions, there is also a Youtube video of an earlier build here. I give it a spin.

Like the Sith Fury, this ship is built to scale with the statuette fig which is one brick tall (check here for a project elaborating on the part ). However, like the Lego Fury, the ship has been modified to use Minifigs. The current design is easily modifiable to the desired scale. With a minimal number of part changes the ship can be customized to its origianal micro/midi scale.

As an homage to the actual scale I propose that a statuette be included in the set, but to make it much more interesting I would suggest that it be cast in trans-blue (translucent blue) so that it can be reminiscent of a Star Wars hologram (see picture ).

If you really like this project please help me get the word out to the Larger SWTOR community.

This can be done by posting in SWTOR forums, SWTOR social pages, Tweeting, or by going to the contact pages of SWTOR and Star Wars podcasts/news sites and leaving a tip. For example:

Moseisley Radio
Corellian Run Radio

For my next SWTOR ship: Well, I will let the supporters decide:
Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter — (Smuggler)
BT-7 Thunderclap — (Trooper)
D5-Mantis Patrol Craft — (Bounty Hunter)
X-70B Phantom — (Imperial Agent)

There is a comment post where you can vote for the next ship you want me to recreate. Just reply to that posting with your selection.
Update: Voting is closed. I will start with the Phantom.

If you hate the Jedi and are 100% Empire, well, you can get this set and just make a target for your Fury to destroy!

Please feel free to ask any questions or post any suggestions, and if you don't feel this project is worth of your support, take a few seconds to let me know why. Your comments and critiques are always most welcome as they are my best source for improvement.*

Also, if you are a new supporter, Please leave a comment telling me how you found this project. Was it a reference from another project (if so which?), an online blog, just randomly searching Cuusoo?


20130509 The rumors have finally been put to rest and real images of the official Corellian Defender have gotten out into the world: Here they are

To allow for figures, the central area opens wide. I have displayed the cockpit element external to the build to allow for a better view. The build seats two figures and has storage space for each figure's armaments

For the third figure, the pods open by sliding out. I am continuing to perfect the mechanic of this feature.

The above picture shows Qyzen Fess and C2-N2, as well as Satele holding a trans blue Statuette. As mentioned before, there is already a Lego produced Satele. I selected Satele based on the idea of using the cinematic characters with roles appropriate for the the ship type and reducing any licensing challenges there might be.

If you are a fan on Trandoshans and Droid be sure to check out Sepsymp's "Trandoshan Wookie Hunt" and his great line of star wars droids.

C2-N2's actual head is not identical to C3-P0s but 3P0's head is as close as it gets with existing parts. At this point I would leave it to Lego to decide if they want to cast a brand new part should this project succeed.

This displays the bottom and side of the Defender.

The above picture is for comparison purposes.

On the Left you can see the official Lego Fury set relative to my Corellian Defender. As you can see these two builds are almost the exact same length, just as they are in the game.

On the right, is a depiction of the actual ship. I know the cockpit "canopy" is grey and mine is red. In my original non-fig version I had a more accurate build, but I really like the red canopy on the one I put on. For those wanting the more accurate build it simply requires swapping out a few parts. One of the great things about Lego right!

Yes, I know that there is now a "Jedi Defender" in the line up for June 2013. No reason not to support this project or vote for your favorite ship. At the current rate of support this project could go into production no earlier than Summer 2017.

Special Thanks to the following Blogs for Posting:

Hoth for Bricks
Eurobricks Star Wars Forum

***************************************************************************************************Other Awesome Projects worthy of your Attention

Anything by Ssorg
Anything by GRusso
Anything by Brixe

These are additional fantastic projects all with at least 200 supporters so you know they are of high quality.

Small YELLOW by Brickartist

Labyrinth Marble Maze by Touthomme
Invisible Hand by Ldiego
Desktop Series: Sky-Fi by Rongyiren
Medusa's Temple by Strider
Douglas DC-3 by Ssorg
Ultimate Collectors Series Lightsabers by Scott34567
Red Squirrel by Vuurzoon
Flying Dutchman by Sebeus
Pokemon: Gyarados by Retinence
Majestic Airship! by Ssorg
Tiny Trucks by Robiwan
Transforming Retro Video Game Accessories by Vonbrunk
Mirage (realistically speaking) by Nannan
Micro-build Hogwarts Castle by Bekindrewind
Medieval Market Street by Alexp
Modular Costume Store for Collectible Minifigures by td> Brentwaller
Macrofigures by Crashsanders
ARAK-N3 by Mahj
The Drake's Head Inn by Alexp
Camper Van Forever by Nuno2500
Dump Truck 10x4 by Designer_han
Star Wars Opee Sea Killer by Pepaquin
Mini Batmobile by Tiler
Goblin Fortress Ruins by Alexp
ASTACO ????? by Midori
- MegaMan Project - by Alatariel
EVE Online Ships - Merlin by Czar
A UCS series of ships by Konajra
Legend of Zelda: King of Red Lions by Flailx
Rancor by Daiman
RESEARCH LAB SUBMARINE (Modular with interiors) by GRusso
UCS Tron Light Cycle by Abathar6
Ford Model A Gangsters' Getaway Car; by Brickadierg
Flooded Temple Ruins by Hinckley
The Manticore by Csf_blake
Odeon Cinema by Teunis
BTTF - Biff Tannen's Ford by Teambttf
Death Star II wall/desk clock sculpture by Wwwally
Minifig furniture - bedroom by Brixe
ARC-170 starfighter UCS by Thire5
Food Truck by Spacysmoke
Amusement Park Ride - Twist and Whirl Ride - now MOTORIZED! by Darthhspawn
Scorpion's Soul Pirate Ship by Hasskabal
Starfighter "Blue Vengeance" by Konajra
The Wizard's House by Alexp
NASA Deep Space Habitat and Rover by Brianr8811
SEPARATIST DROID Battle-Pack by Sepsymp
Lovely Sailboat! by Ssorg
NNN Newsmobile by Davidpickett
Trebuchet by Marko
Big Villa by Voyagetom
Female Minifigure Set by Alatariel
Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender by Okay
Monochrome Boxed Set by Steelwoolg
Ambulance (Type 3 / Type III) by Spacysmoke
Star Wars: Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber by Darthhspawn
Minifig furniture - child's room by Brixe
TRANDOSHAN 'Wookie Hunt' Set by sepsymp
Ogre Mark V (Display Scale) by Glenbricker
Sonic the Hedgehog (Green Hill Zone) by Gtrocks1111
Omniwheel Vehicle by Mahj
BTTF - Hill Valley Courthouse by Teambttf
Stilzkin Bridge Launcher by mahj
How to Train your Dragon by Stormbringer
Mechwarrior Battletech Atlas by Czar
Dragon Slayers by Lizardman
Posable 22" Skeleton by Chokinghaz
Minifig furniture - living room by Brixe
Starfox Assault Arwing by V1lain
??? (???) Kinkaku-ji by Alanboar
star wars rancor - minifig scale by I-vano
PotC - Jack Sparrow vs. Kraken by Skrytsson
Samurai Battle Gear Display Set by Suzuki
Microfig Mecha by Crashsanders
Octan in Space by Csf_blake
Johnny 5 from short circuit by Steven1980
The Landscaping Kit by Savatheaggie
Ogre game scale elements by Glenbricker

Star Wars and Cuusoo --------------------------------------------------------------------------

A lot has changed on Cuusoo since I originally posted this project. When I started the project, Lego had not produced a single SWTOR set and now there is a an official Corellian Defender set. Of additional significance is the failed review of the Sandcrawler.

It can be surmised by that fact that Cuusoo is continuing to allow the submission of Star Wars themed projects that Cuusoo is still open to the idea. It is also clear that any Star Wars Cuusoo project that has the "feel" of the current Lego Star Wars line is simply not going to be novel enough to get produced. This includes any project that recreates a Star Wars vessel or scene in a traditional format, UCS versions of the same, or the Star Wars planets series.

Projects like the Lego Lightsabers, Micro Scale Star Wars Scenes, and Chibi Lego builds (if they can get around the figure exclusivity) are the kinds of unique approaches that have a shot.

All that being said, I have no intent of deleting this project. I have many reasons for this tough I will not list them all I will give you a few. One is sentimentality certainly, I am human. Another is that I hope you will check out and support at least one of the many fantastic projects I have listed above. At its core though my philosophy when it comes to Cuusoo is to support the projects I like and let Lego approve or reject them after they reach 10,000. I think it is the silliest thing in the world when people don't support a project they like because they "know" Lego will reject it. So I am certainly not going to apply that philosophy to my own projects.

Also, I still want a Qyzen Fess, C2-N2, and hand held hologram ;)

* GRusso is the author of my feedback request

Lame Project History Stuff Follows, feel free to ignore....Thanks for reading the whole thing!
Project History/Status:

As of March 16: top 10% of all projects, top 20% of Star Wars projects.
20120320: top 8.0%
20120322: top 7.4%
20120325: top 6.9%
20120326: top 6.7% : 75 votes!
20120328: top 6.4%
20120331: top 5.6%, Top 13% of all Star Wars (tagged) projects, 95 VOTES! So close to 100!
20120401: top 5.4%, WOOT! 100!
20120404: top 5.2%
20120407: top 5.0% Woot!
20120413: top 4.8%
20120501: top 4.6%
Thanks TorWars for posting!
20120518: top 4.1% 200+ supporters
20120522: top 4.0%
20120529: top 3.6% Updated Photos and swapped out a few parts.
20120711: top 3.4% 15th most supported Star Wars project
20120909: Implemented minifigs images
20120910: Updated pictures of new version.
20120923: top 2.9%, 104 most supported project
20120923: top 2.8% 97th most supported project
20120930: top 2.7% 95th most supported project
20121012: 90th most supported project!!!
20121019: top 2.5% 88th most supported project
20121022: top 2.4% 86th most supported project
20121023: 85th most supported project
20121119: top 2.3% 81st most supported project
20121125: top 80! 2nd most supported Star Wars vehicle.
20121126: top 2% of projects!!!
20121128: top 74
20121209: top 69
20130102: 1000 Supporters
20130117: 62 most supported
20130127: #10 on the Leaderboards!
20130130: 54th most supported project!!!!!

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