Product Idea |

The Island Treasure Cave

Henry, the survivor, was stranded on an island whose contents he had no idea about. While exploring the surroundings of the island, he saw an abandoned hut in the distance, he approached it and almost fell into a hole. The hole seemed deep and his voice echoed in what seemed to be an underground cave. He decided to make himself a rope to go down. The cave was dark and damp, the sea rushed in on one side at high tide and bats guarded what seemed to be, to his great surprise, a priceless treasure. Rich but alone and isolated, Henry began his new life by taking possession of the place.

The basic principle of the project was the hinges that split the rock and the hut in two, like a knife cuts a cake. A vegetated trapdoor covered the access to the vertical well. This had to be lifted before the island could be split in two. On one side, the water rushes into the cave, on the other, the treasure of ancient pirates sparkles. The island can function and be presented both closed and open, on one side as on the other. The vegetation is lush and the setting is heavenly.

I created this construction with a nostalgia for the pirate and island sets of my childhood. I first drew my project on paper and got started.

So many stories can be created with this model, and the fact of being able to open the model in two creates a second effect of discovery.

I unfortunately did not count the number of pieces but I can estimate it at around 2,000 pieces

This set includes a figurine, two crabs, three birds, a seagull, a bat, a rat, a parrot, and a monkey.
No personalized stickers have been added.

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