Product Idea |

Japanese Street (2)

This is my second entry, building on the self-imposed standard I used for my first submission here, the Japanese Street. This is a shorter stretch of Japanese urban landscape, consisting of three little modules built on a 16 x 16 plate, with an overall piece count of 1500 or so. Trying to reproduce as much as possible the feeling of those areas of Japanese cities away from the main thouroughfares, I've included three features that anybody familiar with the likes of Tokyo should immediately recognize: a convenience store (with a bookstore on the first floor), a pay-by-the-hour parking lot and a police box, or kôban. The roof and first floor of the "combini" as welle as the roof of the kôban can be lifted to get better access to the interior, "modular-style".

Note that since this is a digital build, there are no minifigs. There are also no stickers (except for the odd, official printed piece), which could be added to bring some more detail to the signs.

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