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Doctor Who And Companions

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LEGO Ideas #012 Doctor Who and Companions

We’re very excited to release AndrewClark2's Doctor Who and Companions project as our next LEGO Ideas set! The final design, pricing and release date are still being worked out. For more information, see the LEGO Ideas Blog.

LEGO Review Update for Doctor Who and Companions

Congratulations again to AndrewClark2 for reaching 10,000 supporters on LEGO Ideas, and toward everyone for all your support for the Doctor Who And Companions project.

As of today, we’re still looking into the possibility of releasing a set based on the Doctor Who And Companions project. Once we have a decision, we’ll share it with you here and on the LEGO Ideas blog.

Congratulations on 10,000 supporters, AndrewClark2!

Dear AndrewClark2,

Old and new Doctor Who fans can now rejoice that this project has reached 10,000 supporters!

You've done a great job converting the adventures through time and space, which all started in that junkyard on Totters Lane, into LEGO form for fans everywhere to enjoy. This project includes a number of popular adversaries for the doctor and his companions to contend with, but with K-9 and the sonic screwdriver, they don’t stand a chance! 

We now officially advance this project to the Review phase.

What happens now?
This project moves from the Idea stage to the Review stage. A "LEGO Review Board" composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members will examine the idea. We'll build concept models and determine if the concept meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product. This includes factors such as playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand. Every potential LEGO product goes through a process like this and must meet the same standards.

The LEGO Review Begins in May
This project qualifies for the Second 2014 Review beginning in May and ending in September. For more information about the LEGO review process, see this knowledge base article.

The review is a thorough process and from its start, and can take several months. When finished, we make a "go/no go" decision to develop and sell a product based on the Doctor Who and Companions concept.

When the review is complete, we will inform you of our decision. If green-lit, this project goes into the longest phase of the project; the Development phase. During this time, LEGO model designers refine the product and develop it for release, we create the product materials (box, instructions, marketing), and get everything ready for a production run. This also takes several months.

We will post follow-up information and our decision here.

Congratulations on 5,000 Supporters!

Don't blink when looking at this project. Not only could it suddenly leap up in supporters while you're blinking (5,000+ in less than a month, brilliant!), the Angel might just send you back in time. After all, that which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel. On top of that, you still have a Dalek and Cyberman to contend with. This project has something for every Who fan!

Good luck defending time and space, and of course journeying to 10,000 supporters!

Congratulations on 1,000+ Supporters!

With the speed of a Tardis in flight this Doctor Who and Companions project flew past 1,000 supporters. The choice of which Doctors and companions the set should include are still up for grabs on this one. Great work!

Good luck exterminating the support button by reaching 10,000!

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